Time is Sliding

Series 2 appetiser: Full of Joy coming soon

Rob Baylis Season 2 Episode 1

Appetiser heralding the long overdue start of series 2 and the forthcoming Podcasthon episode featuring the Full of Joy Animal Sanctuary.

Links referred to in the episode:

Timothy Snyder video about sado populism & oligarchy.

Full of Joy Animal Sanctuary


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Hello time-sliders. 

This is

Time is Sliding

podcasting about change




local, national, global. 

I'm Rob Baylis. 

And I've been sliding. 

Welcome to this short appetiser for a long overdue new beginning to Time is Sliding, a podcast exploring how our world and our lives have changed or must change over the precious time that's always slippery-sliding away from under us. There's been a huge glacier of time between the previous episode and this one. I hope you'll forgive me for that. There's been a lot of change in my life. It's not been the kind of change anyone wants. But most of us have to go through at sometime or other. 

I'll try to release future episodes more frequently, but since Time is Sliding, this podcast has been a solo production until now, it's hard to keep up sometimes when metaphorical bombshells are exploding around me without any warning. I shouldn't complain, though, given the atrocities that have been happening in Gaza, Lebanon, Ukraine and other places since the last released episode. 

Around the world, there's also been a lot of devastation caused by wildfires, hurricanes, typh, floods, droughts, etc. and they've been exacerbated by climate change. It's now become very obvious to most people that our world is in a climate, nature and security crisis. 

Unfortunately, the "drill, baby, drill" president of the USA and his cabal dominated by oligarchs are doing all they can to make climate change even worse as part of their sado populist agenda. There's a link in the episode notes to a video by Timothy Snyder, Professor of history at Yale University, who explains sado populism in the context of oligarchy and the Make America Great Again mantra. 

Podcasts have to evolve and change to remain relevant and interesting. 

Although my time has been sliding away from producing new episodes, I've been thinking a lot about how to change the format of episodes to make them shorter, clearly focused on specific changes and more easy to create and release. I've discussed the ideas with friends too, and taken their thoughts on board. Details will unfold in future episodes. 

The next episode will be made publicly available on Sunday, the 16th of March, as part of the 2025 podcasthon. 

Podcasthon has grown in two years, from a French initiative involving 300 podcasts, to a global movement through which voices come together to amplify the work of charities and inspire change. This year, more than 1000 podcasts will raise awareness of charities of their choice between March the 15th and 21st. For more information about podcasthon, its web address is podcasthon dot org. That's P. O. D. C. A. S. T. H. O. N. dot org. Or look in the episode notes for that link. 

Time is Sliding's podcasthon offering is a discussion with the founders of the Full of Joy Animal Sanctuary. That's a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers. It provides forever homes to animals in need, including pigs, goats, ponies, chickens, turkeys, geese and sheep. Since recording the episode the sanctuary has experienced severe storm damage and is seeking crowdfunding to enable it to continue. If you can't wait until the full episode is launched, you can make a donation to Full of Joy via w w w full hyphen or dash, of hyphen. Joy hyphen, animal hyphen, sanctuary dot co dot UK. That link will be in the notes for this episode. 

That's all I want to say for now. I'm Rob Baylis. For better or worse, all production work and music has been by me. You can find out more about the podcast at Time is Sliding dot earth. That's a web address, with Time is Sliding as all one word. Past episodes and transcripts are accessible from there too. 

And now to end this episode. Here's the sound of a gathering of jackdaws, crows, magpies, rooks, jays and great tits. I'd love to know what they were discussing. I recorded them near my house in October 2024. So perhaps they were complaining about changes in the weather.